PA and Practice Secretary
Terri has a wealth of experience in running private medical services and has worked with the most accomplished names in the field for over 30 years. She is highly approachable and gifted both with logistics and customer service. Terri handles appointments, theatre scheduling, general enquiries and fees. She is based at Mr De Zoysa’s ENT Suite at Nuffield Hospital Bournemouth 0900-1700 Monday to Friday.
Consultant Radiologist
Neil works closely with Dr Alistair Thomson within the Dorset Head & Neck cancer multi-disciplinary team in Poole. He has developed specialist skills in MRI, CT and Ultrasound scanning techniques. He is also an expert in image guided biopsy and functional fluoroscopic tests. A close working relationship allows Neil and Alistair to be thorough in diagnosis and get an extra edge in planning your treatment.
Consultant Anaesthetist
Henrik has been a Consultant in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine since 2010. Neil and Henrik work together regularly doing anything from complex head & neck cancer surgery to delicate childrens ENT procedures. Their excellent teamwork and mutual understanding helps provide exceptional care to their patients. Henrik has completed postgraduate training in London, the Oxford School of Anaesthesia, and Australia.